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NYU Grad Film, student film short



Vanishing Effect  16mm B&W film  Genre: Action Thriller  11mins


After a Runner witnesses a Criminal toss out a case during a high-speed

police chase, he steals it but is unprepared for the ultimate outcome.



Written, Produced, Edited and Directed by Roy Stewart




Audience Commentary Received



1) Cool music!



2) Epic music. Classic cars.  And suspense. What more could you ask for? Cool short film. Great job!



3) Stewart is a prolific writer, producer, director, actor and editor. Very dark, and full of suspense. Top Shelf artist and material!



4) Right away the music draws you in & then your drawn into a GRIT feel & Suspense. Loved the old cars to keep the theme. While watching it, I  was thinking how this is a modern day silent film. No words needed. Then while watching the credits I noticed the music composer was "Silent Partner." My favorite actor was the Runner.  Stewart reveals how much this character missed his freedom - played by Stewart himself. Nice touch! Hope to see more of your talent up on the Big Screen soon!



5) There are many things I liked about this short film. Telling an engaging and satisfying story cinematically with no dialog, in eleven minutes, is no easy task. Yet, Roy  managed to do it with little to no budget. 


The opening sequence with the protagonist sprinting up three flights of stairs and into a small apartment ends with a cut to a man jogging down a sidewalk. The two subsequent cuts back to the apartment with close ups on the eyes leave no doubt that he's recalling a recent event that has led to his current anxiety. Going back to the man jogging, he takes a right off the sidewalk which leads to a really nice POV shot of an on-coming car. The wavering of the camera gives a real-life sense of what the jogger is actually seeing as he runs down the street.


All of this takes place in the initial minute. At this point I was hooked, wanting to see how the remainder of the story unfolds.  The editing is crisp and intelligent throughout. The camera work and lighting is exceptional given the budget restraints, and there is never a moment of confusion as to what is occurring.


All in all, this short is lean, concise and thoroughly absorbing. I really loved the final sequence: the climb up, from the parked police cars, along the side of the building to the third story window, dissolve into the cell, and the shadow of a bar on the character's left eye.  This is followed by his remembrance of running free. This is great story telling using limited resources. I would like to see what Mr. Stewart could do with a full script and accompanying budget. Great job!



6) Wow. I was totally captivated from start to finish. The music added an intense element of excitement and suspense. Great job!



7) Music in the film works great, loved the noir aspect of the film, fantastic.



Roy Stewart is developing new, compelling, edge of your seat feature film screenplays and movies for global audiences.  Please see loglines for completed feature screenplays clicking HERE or menu above.


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